Interview #8 : Jeremy Tan, Co-Founder of Tin-Men Capital

Interview #8 : Jeremy Tan, Co-Founder of Tin-Men Capital

Jeremy is a Co-Founder of Tin Men Capital, a Venture Capital firm that invests primarily in B2B technology startups focused on the Southeast Asia market.

In this episode we discuss:
- Why He Left Trafigura To Start His Own Fund
- First Principles Thinking in Venture Investing within Southeast Asia
- What VCs Looks For In Founders
- The Future of Startups & Venture Investing in Southeast Asia

Off The Record

This is a fun little segment where I ask guests questions that are off the record, which I hope will still be a fun thing you enjoy as readers of the blogposts.

Q: Three Heroes of History You Look Up to?


Steve Jobs: I love how he thinks differently and bucks conventional thinking. His work has created a lot of innovation that still impacts billions of people and their lives, and probably many, many years to come.

LKY: We can debate about this relative impact on this world but there is no doubt he punched way above the cards he was dealt with. He was passionate about Singapore, and he is passionate about every single detail. He embodies many qualities we want to see in a “founder.”

Alex Hamilton: The US financial systems and policy he put in place are one of the major reasons the US markets are so vibrant and deep. This, in turn, contributed to the US being a superpower to this day.

Q: What books do you recommend to an intellectually curious friend?


Never Split The Difference by Christopher Voss

The best book on negotiations I ever read. Written by an ex-hostage negotiator, it provides very practical advice. Negotiations permeate all aspects of life, even our daily lives, such as dealing with my kids 😆. It has a deep influence on how I approach negotiations and create win-win situations.

The Future of Freedom by Fareed Zakaria

I found this a great read, providing great insights into the US political system. As a global power, their influence has been felt and will be for a while. It helped me navigate my investment career.

Q: Where can we find you?

You can find me at Linkedin here or at my website here.

Keith's note: If you think you are a superb B2B tech startup, you have to pitch yourselves to them!

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